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Delicious Juicy Fruit

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Did you know that citrus fruit is a good source of fiber and potassium? So why not grow them in your own backyard! You can either grow them in a pot or in the ground, but make sure you choose a location with enough space that gets a lot of sun.

citrus tree icon

How to Grow Citrus Trees

Items you'll need: Citrus Trees, Shovel, Garden stakes, E.B. Stone Organic Citrus & Palm Mix, E.B. Stone Sure Start Organic Fertilizer, E.B. Stone Organic Citrus & Fruit Tree Food

Step 1: Choose a location with enough space for your citrus tree that gets lots of sun, and choose the type of citrus you would like to grow (oranges, lemons, limes)

Step 2: Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root system - it should be deep enough so that the tips of the roots touch the bottom and place the tree in center of the planting hole

Step 3: Mix 50% E.B. Stone Organic Citrus & Palm Mix to 50% native soil outside of the hole - sprinkle E.B. Stone Sure Start Organic Fertilizer on the roots to help reduce transplant shock and fill the remainder of the hole with the 50/50 mix

Step 4: Stake the tree if added support is needed

The Most Effective Method

Celeste Wheeler, from EB Stone, explains how to correctly plant a citrus tree. Whether planting in the ground or in a container, Celeste displays the most effective method for either planting option. From the type of fruit to the specific soil and location of the tree, the video depicts the significance of each key step and needed ingredients.

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Check Out These E.B. Stone Products For Citrus Trees

  • Citrus & Palm Mix

    • 100% Natural and Organic Potting or Planting Mix
    • Can be used as both a soil amendment or ready to use potting soil
    • Blended specifically for citrus trees and palms

    Available Sizes

    1.5 cu ft
    Learn More +

Growing Citrus Trees In A Pot

If you want to grow citrus trees in a pot, use dwarf citrus trees - they grow best in a container. Fill the whole pot with E.B. Stone Organic Citrus & Palm Mix, it's ready to use right out of the bag! And don't forget to place the container in an area where it gets lots of sun.

Note: *Remember to start feeding in early Spring when first signs of new growth appear, with E.B. Stone Citrus & Fruit Tree Food and water regularly throughout the growing season.

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Orange tree

Learn to Grow Citrus